With school back in session earlier this month, The Commercial Observer reviewed its library of leather bound text books and plucked at random a collection of 15 entry-level real estate trivia questions, touching on everything from ethic and law to pop culture and the brick and mortar itself.
While a high score won’t ensure success in real estate, it does promise popularity in life and bragging rights at the water cooler. The answers are upside down below, after the jump. Buena Suerte!
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11 West 42nd Street, 131 West 33rd Street, 32 Old Slip, 461 Fifth Avenue, 599 Lexington Avenue, 853 Broadway, 866 United Nations Plaza, Andrew Carnegie, Beacon Capital, Harry Helmsley, John Rockefeller, Led Zeppelin, Leona Helmsley, William Shakespeare, Boston Properties, feil organization, SL Green, Tishman Speyer, Vornado Realty Trust