Corzine Touring Office Space at 40 Wall


Fresh off the highly publicized collapse of securities firm MF Global Holdings Ltd., former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is allegedly sniffing around for new office space at 40 Wall Street, The Wall Street Journal reports.

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Mr. Corzine has set his sights on sharing space with John Carris Investments, a full service investment banking firm whose corporate headquarters are located inside the Trump Organization-owned office tower, The Wall Street Journal reports.

40 wall street1 Corzine Touring Office Space at 40 Wall
40 Wall Street (Courtesy Property Shark

A spokesman for John Carris did not respond to a request for comment.

A person close to the building said they were unaware of Mr. Corzine’s plans.

“We certainly didn’t know anything about it until we saw it in the paper this morning,” said the person. “It’s not like he’s [Corzine] renting space from us,” the person added.

40 Wall Street, located near the New York Stock Exchange, has seen a flurry of leasing activity in recent weeks. NYC pharmaceutical giant Duane Reade relocated its corporate headquarters to the 72-story building, where it already has a sushi and hair-styling megastore inside the building. Music publishing company The Harry Fox Agency also moved to 40 Wall Street from its former offices at 601 W. 26th Street.

A person close to John Carris Investments said that Mr. Corzine is looking for office space, not to join the firm itself, the paper reported.

MF Global Holdings filed for bankruptcy protection last October after bets it had made on euro zone debts led the company to financial ruin.

Mr. Corzine stepped down as the chief executive of MF Global Holdings in November.

But his MF Global Holdings hangover continues. Yesterday, a group of 38,000 Montana farmers who were customers of MF Global Holdings filed a class action lawsuit against Corzine, claiming the former Goldman bigwig had used money from their accounts to pay off debts.