Hochul to Float Term Limits for Officials in 2022 State of the State


Gov. Kathy Hochul wants to add term limits to officials in the state executive chamber, making good on earlier promises to establish a more ethical state government, Hochul announced Monday.

As one of her proposals expected to be expanded upon during the upcoming 2022 State of the State Address, Hochul will make the office of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and comptroller subject to four-year term limits.

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The governor also called for a ban on outside income while serving in any statewide office. Hochul said she will give more details on that in the future, but the governor’s office said the only exception will be made for academic positions pending ethics-board approval.

“On day one as governor, I pledged to restore trust in government and I have taken steps every day to deliver the open, ethical governing New Yorkers deserve,” Hochul said in a statement. “I want people to believe in their government again. With these bold reforms, we will ensure New Yorkers know their leaders work for them and are focused on serving the people of this state.”

Hochul plans to introduce a constitutional amendment setting these changes in motion, which will require it to be introduced by sponsors in the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly. Committees will then need to approve the bills before they go to each chamber for a vote.

These reforms, according to the governor’s office, go hand-in-hand with other changes put in place by Hochul in the effort to make government more transparent and ethical, distancing herself from her predecessor Andrew Cuomo who resigned amid sexual harassment allegations. 

Other changes Hochul started implementing include regular ethics training for state employees, Freedom of Information Law policy updates and improvements to the executive chamber’s review of harassment and discrimination allegations.

Mark Hallum can be reached at mhallum@commercialobserver.com.