Queens Day Care and Senior Center Get New Lease on Life


The city has extended the lease on a five-story daycare and senior center in Jamaica, Queens, according to the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS).

DCAS, which handles real estate transactions for city agencies, finalized the deal last month for the entire 78,800-square-foot building at 165-15 Archer Avenue between 165th Street and Merrick Boulevard. The Administration for Children’s Services will continue to use the property as a day care and office, and the Department for the Aging will keep operating it as a senior center.

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Over the course of the three-year lease extension, the two agencies will pay roughly $2.1 million ($26 a square foot) through the end of 2018 and around $2.3 million ($28 a square foot) from the beginning of 2019 through the end of the lease.   

ACS used to be a division of the city’s Human Resources Administration, which has occupied the concrete and brick office building since 1978.