Top Tweets From CO’s Lower Manhattan Breakfast Panel


Messrs Sturner and Resnick at this morning's panel.
Messrs. Sturner and Resnick at this morning’s panel.

It was a cold, brisk morning but on the 29th floor of 180 Maiden Lane, the sun was shining and the views were stunning at Commercial Observer‘s breakfast panel to discuss Downtown Manhattan. Some of the big players of the industry showed up and spoke including Howard Hughes Exec Vice President Christopher Curry, Jack Resnick & Sons President (and Resnick grandson) Jonathan Resnick, CBRE Global Brokerage Chair Stephen Siegel and MHP Real Estate President and Chief Executive Officer Norman Sturner. It was moderated by Fried Frank‘s Jonathan Mechanic.

The talk (which had an audience of 187 people) included such gems as Mr. Siegel saying that the “so-called Berlin Wall has been removed” between Downtown and the rest of Manhattan… a shell-shocked Mr. Resnick describing wandering around the neighborhood after Superstorm Sandy…. and the first use of the word “biophilia” at a real estate event ever. (We think.) But wait. Why are we telling you this? If the cold was too much, CO‘s Twitter feed was hot.

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We had our share of disappointment:

We learned not everybody likes Santiago Calatrava’s work:

That not everybody agrees on how many visitors South Street Seaport gets:

That the building we were sitting in has a seven-foot tall aquafence protecting it:

And that if you’re looking for available FiDi space, one need look no further than the building hosting the event:

Midway through this talk, Mr. Sturner (whose MHP owns 180 Maiden Lane) invited us back in a year to check on the progress of his building. Look for some more tweets coming down the line!