New York Internet Users Are Paying More For Less


If you feel like your Wi-Fi speed isn’t living up to its price tag, you’re definitely not alone.

A report released last week suggests that Americans living in big cities, like New York and Los Angeles, are paying higher prices for slower Internet than those in comparable international cities.

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But according to the study, the best deal in the U.S. is in New York: For 150 Mbps home broadband connection, Verizon Fios will charge $130.

This report follows up on last year’s but adds Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., in light of the recent availability of Google (GOOGL) Fiber in those cities. They ranked surprisingly low, at 21st and 23rd, respectively. The study explains that “the majority of the Google Fiber deployments remain in the construction or planning phase,” so this isn’t exactly surprising. But both cities are tied for fastest wireless speeds with Seoul, Hong Kong and Tokyo.