Check Out Options Group’s State-of-the-Art Floor Plan


1CO3800A0611Options Group, a global executive search firm for the financial services industry with offices in California, London and Hong Kong, recently enlisted architecture firm Tirmizi Campbell to redesign the 2,200-square-foot first floor of the approximately 10,000-squarefoot building it owns at 121 18th Street. The redesign is the first step in what will eventually be a reconfiguration of the entire building.

“They’re progressive, and they all have a very good sense of design, because they travel and they deal with very high-end executives,” Asifa Tirmizi of Tirmizi Campbell, told The Commercial Observer. “They have this palette; they want it to be very high-end, so when people come, they feel very comfortable it’s up to par with what they’re used to.”

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Ms. Tirmizi reviewed furniture plans last week and discussed what, exactly, drew Options Group to the new design choices.

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