On the Market: Yokels Shocked by Manhattan Rentals; A-Rod’s Rental Going Big; Russian Buys $100 M. Manse


Bruce Willis flips out at Riverside South, selling for a loss [Curbed]

Skanska pays $20 million minority settlement; their work hurt on CUNY project [Journal, DNAinfo]

City’s biggest flea market planned for Coney Island [Brownstoner]

Meanwhile Joe Sitt doddles on another project [Curbed]

Arizona yokels, shocked by Manhattan prices, settle for Jersey City [Times]

A-Rod’s old 15 CPW rental getting combined, renovated for new sale [Real Deal]

Digging into Brooklyn Census numbers [BK Paper]

Michael Graves talks Target, other designs [Times]

Russian rich guy buys Silicon Valley mansion for $100 million [MSNBC]

Professor named to city’s housing board [Times]

Architecture bookstore finally reopening [Real Deal]

Stop spitting on the sidewalk [Times]


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