Just in Time for Presidents Day: A Record-Breaker for Old Lincoln Building


announcing one grand central Just in Time for Presidents Day: A Record Breaker for Old Lincoln BuildingOne year of record leasing in a rough economy is hard enough, but two? That’s just what Tony Malkin’s w&h properties pulled off at One Grand Central Place, the former Lincoln Building, leasing well over 200,000 square feet in consecutive years.

Last year saw the monstrous midtown building that towers over the terminal of the same name lease 260,200 square feet, a new record for it. The previous record, set in 2009, was 255,430 square feet.

SEE ALSO: Swiss Mining Company Glencore Takes 45K SF at Vornado’s 90 Park Avenue

“We’re especially proud of this activity since it took place during challenging economic times,” W&H senior VP Fred C. Posniak said in a statement. “During this period, Midtown tenants were cautious about their leasing decisions, but they clearly recognized the outstanding quality and service available at One Grand Central Place.”

Some of the new tenants in the so-called “white glove corporate environment” included Charles Schwab, American Bureau of Shipping, Fairfield Maxwell, Gibbs & Soell, Pine Brook Road Partners, Alès Group USA, Tourist Office of Spain and Pipeline Financial Group.

The building was renamed in June 2009 from the Lincoln Building in order to, as Mr. Posniak puts it, raise “awareness of the property’s recent transformation into a top-tier destination with state-of-the-art amenities.”
