Note From the Editors: Commercial Observer Launches Membership Program


Commercial Observer has long been a big believer that the coin of the realm is not dollars, or euros, or bitcoin, or gold. For us, it’s always been information.

That’s why in the more than a decade since Commercial Observer launched its publication, we average 200,000-plus readers per month, who have come to us to get the fullest, most accurate picture of the real estate world right now. It’s the reason we haven’t been satisfied simply covering New York in a business that’s increasingly global and have planted seeds in Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. It’s the reason we’ve hosted conferences and webinars with the top players of the business to explain what’s happening and why.

SEE ALSO: 5 Questions With Craig Collin of Tavistock Development

This is the reason that, starting today, the exclusive, in-depth reporting on all aspects of the commercial real estate industry including leasing, investment sales, finance, construction and design news will be available to subscribers through our new premium-tiered membership plans.

“Observer Media has invested a considerable amount of time researching audience-centric digital subscription models and behavior of its online users,” said James Karklins, the president of Observer Media. “The launch of a membership product on Commercial Observer is a significant development in our digital strategy as it provides our business with additional revenue streams.”

Recent content will remain free—after five articles, readers will be asked to register for a free Basic Membership, that will include all content less than 30 days old. Premium Membership will start at $300 for an annual subscription.

“Visitors will be able to enjoy Commercial Observer content as they do now with minimal disruption,” Karklins said. “Those who purchase a Premium Membership will also receive access to archived content, a personalized weekly newsletter with stories targeted to reader’s needs, as well as access to exclusive in-person events.”

But we invite all our readers to click here to learn more about Commercial Observer’s Membership Program.