From Foundation to Foundation, 21st Street Building Sells


23-25 East 21st Street
23-25 East 21st Street

The Dedalus Foundation has plunked down $3.3 million to buy a Flatiron area building from Rehabilitation International, according to property records.

The sale of 23 East 21st Street closed on December 18, 2013 and was recorded with the city today. 

SEE ALSO: Bascom Group Pays $127M for L.A. South Bay Apartment Complex

Dedalus, which operates six major programs to educate the public about the principles of modern art and modernism, has its offices at 3 Columbus Circle, according to its website. The foundation didn’t immediately return a call seeking comment.

RI is a worldwide network of people with disabilities, service providers, government agencies, academics, researchers and advocates, according to its website. RI wasn’t immediately reachable for comment.