Extell Gives Art Students League a Deadline: Approve Cantilever by Wednesday or Lose $31.8 M. Deal
By Kim Velsey February 12, 2014 10:25 am
reprintsExtell’s controversial plan to cantilever a 1,424-foot skyscraper at 217 West 57th Street over the Art Students League, which won city approval last fall, will be abandoned if the League’s members reject the deal at a vote tonight, according to the developer. Extell has promised to walk away from the deal, which would net the League $31.8 million, and move forward without the cantilever, if the League does not reach an agreement by Wednesday night.
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215 West 57th Street, 217 West 57th Street, air rights, community board 5, developments, Gary Barnett, infrastructure, landmarks, One57, Student Arts League, Extell Development Company