Check Out Van Alen Institute’s New Ground-Floor Digs at 30 West 22nd Street


ThePlan1203Housed on the top floors of 30 West 22nd Street for nearly 20 years, the Van Alen Institute, an organization dedicated to advancing innovation in architecture and design, began to imagine a more accessible space on the 1,620-square-foot ground floor of its Chelsea location.

Earlier this year, the organization launched an international design competition, which was narrowed down to 24 and then three
teams. The jury settled on a plan proposed by Collective-LOK, which will allow the space to take on a variety of uses through a “screenplay” design. Construction is expected to begin in April of next year with a September 2014 opening planned.

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David van der Leer, executive director of the Van Alen Institute, and Jon Lott, architect with CLOK, spoke to The Commercial Observer last week about the plan’s unique design components and flexibility.

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