For First Time in a Century, Cushman & Wakefield Rebrand


1CO2000A0910For the first time in the firm’s nearly 100-year history, Cushman & Wakefield (CWK) has initiated its first global brand refresh.

The global company—15,000 employees strong—redefined the company’s culture and elected to change its global branding to better align with Cushman & Wakefield’s overall vision. “Our visual identity change was a direct result of defining our culture,” Celine Clarke, global head of corporate communications and marketing, told The Commercial Observer. “We took the business approach of being simple and disciplined and applied it to our visual identity.”

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Changes to the brand include a complete refresh of the company website, an expanded color palette for use in company communications and a new globally licensed font. Ms. Clarke spoke with The Commercial Observer about the changes and what, specifically, motivated each of them.

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