The Brokers’ Ten Commandments


As we enter the fourth quarter of the year, the pressure has mounted on the sales brokerage community to get hundreds of transactions closed by year end.

With crunch time approaching, many of the younger brokers at Massey Knakal, and those in the industry whom I meet at networking events, have been asking me what the most common traits are that I observe in the most successful brokers, those who are able to work well under pressure.

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While there are many skills required, below is a summary of 10 characteristics that I have noticed in brokers who have made it to the top of the pack in our industry.

knakal silo for web The Brokers’ Ten Commandments1. Passion – I believe that in order to excel in any business, you need to be passionate about what you are doing. Passion provides the intestinal fortitude to “hang in there” when faced with inevitable tough times. As Anthony Robbins says, “There is no greatness without a passion to be great.”

2. Specialization – It is important, especially when you are in the early stages of your career, to select an area of specialization and focus. This will afford you the ability to differentiate yourself from the competition, and it creates a significant and tangible competitive advantage.

3. Proactivity – Being proactive means making things happen. It is very easy to spend an entire day just reacting to questions and responding to the relentless flow of phone calls and emails. It is important to focus on what your goals and objectives are and make sure that you set aside time to implement your business plan.

4. Hard work – The real estate brokerage business is not now, nor has it ever been, a 9-to-5 job. We joke that at Massey Knakal you only have to work half a day to be successful; i.e., 12 hours, an actual half a day. The 12-hour workday is the minimum required to achieve success, particularly in the early stages of a career.