Leasing Activity in Manhattan Down 26 Percent, Sez CBRE Report


The Manhattan office market  saw a 26 percent drop in leasing activity in just one month, according to a recent CBRE (CBRE) report.

stock market chart 200x300 Leasing Activity in Manhattan Down 26 Percent, Sez CBRE Report A total of 1.68 million square feet was leased in the month of May, bringing the year-to-date total to 8.60 million square feet, CBRE reports.

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And while average asking rents rose by $0.39 to $54.95-a-square-foot, the  year-t0-date absorption rate remained negative at 2.86 million square feet.

The availability rate proved stubborn once again, remaining at 11.1 percent for the third straight month.

Other highlights include:


– There was 850,000 square feet leased out for the month, 26 percent below the five-year monthly average of 1.15 million square feet.

– Year-to-date leasing for the submarket is at 4.70 million square feet. That figure is noticeably smaller than the 7.49 million square feet leased out in 2011.

– Average asking rents increased by $0.28 to $63.98 per square foot.

Midtown South 

– The Midtown South market exceeded expectations yet again, locking in 560,000 square feet of leasing activity in the month while outpacing the five-year monthly average of 320,o00 square feet.

– The year-to-date stands at 2.12 million square feet.

– The availability rate remained at 9.1 percent, while the average asking rent rose by 4 percent to $51.23-a-square-foot.


– The market experienced a disappointing performance in the month of may, recording 280,000 square feet of leasing activity. That number is 13 percent below the five-year monthly leasing average of 320,000 square feet.

– The availability rate remained at 11 percent, and the average asking rents dipped slightly to $39.53-a-square-foot from $39.85-a-square-foot in April.
