On the Market: 25 Broad Bounces Back; Garbage Dwelling Man Reemerges; Oldest Bagel Shop Closing


Decade-dormant 25 Broad coming back as a 305 unit rental. Eighty percent of first 90 units already gone [Journal]

Zabar’s renaming infamous “lobster salad.” It’s made with crayfish. [NY Times]

SEE ALSO: Sunday Summary: A New Day at WeWork?

Faye Dunaway won’t back down, wants to keep her Upper East Side apartment. [DNAinfo]

No love for the Brooklyn Bridge Park condo plan [Brooklyn Paper]

Exploring New York’s myriad accents. [Journal]

Homeless man’s West Village garbage palace has moved down the street. [NY Daily News]

Ninety-one-year-old Coney Island bagel shop, maybe city’s oldest, is closing. [NY Post]

Second lives for bank vaults [Brownstoner]

More on Soros’ ex’s apartment lawsuit [Journal]

The grace of Gramercy Park rubs off on the neighbors. Just don’t ask for a key. [NY Times]

Brownstoner readers don’t get the joke. [Brownstoner]

The cars of LeCorbusier. [ArchPaper]