Extell’s Hudson Square Hotel Dreams


garybarnettnagle 7 Extell’s Hudson Square Hotel DreamsWe’d all but forgotten that Gary Barnett’s Extell once planned to build a luxury hotel in Hudson Square, just two blocks from the Trump Soho. But the developer has received a $13 million mortgage on the site, according to public records.

On the final day of June 2009, Extell filed plans for a 35-story, 180,000-square-foot hotel at 68 Charlton Street, between Hudson and Varick, The Observer reported at the time. Extell planned to have 300 rooms as part of a four-star hotel in its tower, run by a yet-to-be-determined operator, an Extell spokesman had told us. The Lucien Lagrange-designed building, to be named the Charlton SoHo, was to have a plaza at its base, a feature that would give the tower bonus development rights (the spokesman said it would be 34 stories high).

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It was all so glorious, but then everything went quiet.

Now, in addition to the new financing, Extell has filed for a fence permit for construction work on the site. No word on whether the plans remain the same-but just about anything is better than the burned-out garage that’s there now.

Extell declined to comment.
