While most of its competitors have abandoned it, AT&T is bringing the Blackberry back. The company announced that it will carry the Blackberry Classic on the company’s website and in retail stores. The company will offer the phone for $0 down to consumers who wish to delay the expense of getting the smartphone. Monthly payments for the Blackberry Classic range from $14 to $49.99 per month, varying by contract and plan type.
The phone will be capable of running on AT&T’s 4G LTE Network using Internet data, talk and text.
“The BlackBerry Classic is an excellent addition to AT&T’s leading line-up of smartphones,” Jeff Bradley, the senior vice president of device marketing and developer services at AT&T, said in a statement. “AT&T customers will be thrilled with the Classic. It blends the best of familiar features, such as BlackBerry’s QWERTY keyboard with enhanced capabilities including BlackBerry’s digital assistant.”
In 2014, T-Mobile severed ties with Blackberry due to sluggish sales and rumors that Blackberry was going bankrupt.
AT&T’s move to offer the Blackberry may help the company boost its market share. Rival Verizon, which dominates the New York City market with its wireless and Internet services, also offers an updated version of the Blackberry brand phones, but it wasn’t immediately announced if Verizon would offer the Blackberry Classic.