370 Jay Street to Become NYU Academic Center
By Jennifer Henderson June 26, 2014 2:37 pm

New York University has announced plans to turn 370 Jay Street in Downtown Brooklyn into an academic center for engineering and applied sciences programs, the school announced today.
The 500,000 square foot, 14-story building will house NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress, or CUSP, on the top three floors and the university’s entrepreneurial incubators on the third floor, along with classrooms and office space on the remaining floors, according to a release from NYU.
CUSP is currently located at NYU’s leased space at 1 Metrotech Center in Brooklyn, as Commercial Observer previously reported.
Designs for the city-owned building extend NYU’s plans for continued expansion in Brooklyn, the release further stated. Once approved by the Public Design Commission, the construction is expected to begin in 2015 and be completed by 2017.
“Applied science, technology, and engineering are among our fastest growing academic areas and the new 370 Jay Street—in the heart of a thriving tech corridor—will be an environment conducive to inspiration and innovation in those fields,” said Lynne Brown, NYU senior vice president for university relations and public affairs, in a prepared statement. “370 Jay Street will give us the opportunity to promote research and learning not just in Brooklyn, but with programs across the entire university.”
Previously occupied by the New York City Transit Authority, the Jay Street building is currently vacant with the exception of Metropolitan Transportation Authority communications equipment.
Mitchell Giurgola Architects will restore a limestone and steel exterior to reduce landfill waste by approximately 2,300 square feet and install 1,000 energy-efficient windows.
The building will incorporate new mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, along with a one-megawatt micro turbine.