REBNY Announces 2014 Banquet Honorees


Six commercial real estate bigwigs will have the honor of being spoken over at the Real Estate Board of New York‘s 118th annual banquet on January 16.

Stephen Green of SL Green, Kenneth Fisher of Fisher Brothers, Joel Picket of Gotham Organization Inc., Robin Abrams of The Lansco Corporation, Thomas L. Hill of Boston Properties and Robert Fink of the The Winter Organization will all be recognized at the Liar’s Ball. january 4 2012 8 REBNY Announces 2014 Banquet HonoreesThe event will take place at the New York Hilton Hotel. REBNY announced which honorees will be given which award in a press release today. And the winners will be:

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“Stephen L. Green, Chairman of the Board, SL Green Realty Corp., who will receive The Bernard H. Mendik Lifetime Leadership in Real Estate Award, which is presented each year to a REBNY member for a lifetime of exceptional accomplishment in the profession and dedication to leadership in New York real estate.

Kenneth Fisher, Senior Partner of Fisher Brothers, who will receive The Harry B. Helmsley Distinguished New Yorker Award, which is presented to an industry member for invaluable contributions to New York’s civic welfare and to the real estate community.

Joel I. Picket, Chairman and Chief Executive Officerfor Gotham Organization, Inc., who will receive The Kenneth R. Gerrety Humanitarian Award, which recognizes meritorious service to the community by a REBNY member.

Robin Abrams, Executive Vice President of The Lansco Corporation, who will receive The Louis Smadbeck Broker Recognition Award, which honors an executive who exemplifies the characteristics of a successful commercial broker.

Thomas L. Hill, Senior Vice President of Boston Properties’ New York Property Management Department, who will receive The George M. Brooker Management Executive of the Year Award, which recognizes individuals of superior accomplishment in the commercial management industry based on outstanding professionalism, civic achievement and contributions to the real estate industry.

Robert C. Fink, Director of Leasing for The Winter Organization, who will receive the Young Real Estate Man of the Year Award, selected by the Young Men’s/Women’s Real Estate Association of New York on the basis of integrity, professionalism and personal ethics.”