Earle Altman, ABS Real Estate Partners


2013 Owners MagazineFavorite charity? 

New York City hospitals, schools and housing.

SEE ALSO: D.C.’s Neighborhood Development Company Closing Up Shop After 25 Years

Real estate prediction for 2014? 

New York City is renowned and growing throughout the world as a center of commerce and culture.

Where in New York is there still untapped potential for real estate development? 

All of Manhattan from Battery Park area to the Upper Manhattan area.

Who will become New York City’s next mayor?  

Hopefully a person with strong, real experience with economic and cultural achievements and with high personal integrity and purpose.

What real estate policy should New York’s next mayor make a priority?   

Encourage apartment home ownership in all levels with tenant owners voting for and paying their future shares of building real estate taxes and operating expenses.

What qualities do you look for in an agent representing your buildings? 

Honesty, integrity, creativity and a hard worker.

What is one aspect of your business you wish you had more time for? 

Finding large land sites and/or buildings we can acquire and develop. Also, the time to structure ownership positions with older long-time property owners so I and my younger partners can invest in more buildings and sites to build new residential, retail or commercial buildings.

Greatest fear?

Politically inspired laws like rent controls, which destroy owners.

If approved, the Midtown East rezoning initiative will: 

Encourage redevelopment of buildings and land sites.

In the film version of your life, which actor would portray you? 

Kirk Douglas or John Wayne or any other honest and decent actor.

Foreign real estate market you’d most like to invest in: 

China, Japan, England, Finland, Sweden.

Is broadband connectivity in New York City a priority at your buildings? 


What should happen with Madison Square Garden and Penn Station? 

Redevelop as owner-occupied office/retail and residential hotel or a combination of all three.

What New York City building should be torn down? 

Non-fireproof buildings and wood-framed buildings, to the extent that they still exist.