Pelli Clarke Pelli to Design New 296,000 SF Trinity Church Tower
By Al Barbarino July 25, 2013 1:22 pm
reprintsTrinity Church has decided to knock down its parish office building at 68-74 Trinity Place to make way for a 296,000-square-feet mixed-use tower to be designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli.

Reverend Dr. James Cooper, 17th Rector of Trinity Wall Street, announced yesterday that the church’s vestry voted to replace the 90-year old structure.
“We are delighted to be able to engage the extraordinary talents of Pelli Clarke Pelli as we move forward in the design and development process to create an inspiring new mixed-use ministry building that complements Richard Upjohn’s historic Trinity Church,” Dr. Cooper said, in a statement.
The new structure will include a six or seven-story base dedicated to mission activities and related offices, topped by a 25-story residential tower, Dr. Cooper said, noting that it will provide a source of revenue for the expansion of the church’s core ministry activities, which include philanthropic grant-making and homeless outreach.
The entrance to the residential tower will be on Greenwich Street, while the entrance to the church space will be on Trinity Place, with access via an existing pedestrian bridge across Trinity Place. It will house a parish hall, facilities and offices for Trinity’s expanding ministry, the Sunday school and rooms for community organizations.
Pelli Clarke Pelli beat out a competing bid from Cook/Fox to design the space.
“This gorgeous jewel of a site, a very clear urban room with a natural landscape surrounding, is unlike any place else in the world,” said César Pelli of Pelli Clarke Pelli, in a statement. “We look forward to a continuing exchange of ideas to create a building of its moment, next to a building for all time.”
The next step in the process is the selection of a developer, said Trinity Real Estate President Jason Pizer, who anticipates a groundbreaking in the fall of 2014 and a completion in 2017.