NYC Launches Second Round of ConnectNYC


In a press release Tuesday, New York City’s Economic Development Corporation announced that ConnectNYC Fiber Access will begin accepting applications for a second time.

ConnectNYC is part of the suite of initiatives launched in July of 2012 by Mayor Michael Bloomberg to help expand broadband connectivity to businesses. The program covers the cost of construction and installation of fiber in commercial buildings.

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“Applications for ConnectNYC Fiber Access are evaluated based on the potential impact of fiber on the applicant’s business and feasibility of fiber construction at the building’s location,” stated a release issued yesterday morning.

The program is meant for small- to medium-sized companies. Only those with fewer than 500 employees may apply.

Winners must agree to sign a minimum of a one-year contract at market rates with one of the participating Internet Service Providers (ISP).

Applications are rolling and on a first come, first served basis. Applications will be accepted until December 12, 2013. The entire program has a budget of $14 million for this year.

“The renewal franchises the city granted to Time Warner Cable and Cablevision in 2011 included the commitment of those companies to deploy fiber optic technology to un-served and underserved commercial locations,” said Rahul Merchant, chief information and innovation officer.

ConnectNYCGraphic1Time Warner Cable Business Class appears to be shouldering the majority of the expenses.

“We applaud Mayor Bloomberg and his Administration for their leadership in creating ConnectNYC, and are pleased to commit $12 million to this important economic development initiative,” said Ken Fitzpatrick, president of Time Warner Cable Business Class, eastern region.

The first round of ConnectNYC connected 24 companies with high-speed Internet through Time Warner Cable Business Class and Cablevision.

In this second round, three additional ISPs will be incorporated—Lightower, tw telecom and Stealth Communications. Winning applicants can now select from any of the five providers.

Companies can apply to receive the free construction at