Real Estate Principals Acquire Winoker Realty Company


Less than a year after Winoker Realty President David Winoker died in a parachuting accident, a group of four New York real estate principals has acquired the firm, it was announced today.

Business partners Ira Fishman and Dana Moskowitz, both of ID Real Estate Partners, are joining in the venture with Nathan Halegua and Josh Halegua of Jonis Realty and Citi-Urban Management.

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Mr. Fishman was formerly part of the Winoker Realty team, from 1998 to 2008, and was one of Mr. Winoker’s partners for seven years of his tenure there

Ira Fishman

“Dave was a wonderful man, good friend, and a consummate real estate professional,” Mr. Fishman said in a statement.  “In buying Winoker Realty, my partners and I were well aware that Dave and his father, Sidney (who founded the company), had created a solid platform, and we want to preserve and continue that platform.”

Winoker Realty has traditionally been involved with the leasing and management of commercial real estate. Under the new ownership structure, Mr. Fishman will focus on client relations and business development. Nathan Halegua will concentrate on acquisitions and Josh Halegua on management. Ms. Moskowitz will oversee leasing operations.

As previously reported by The Commercial Observer, Mr. Winoker died in a skydiving accident in June 2012. Corey Abdo, executive vice president and principal of Winoker Realty, has been running the firm since that time.

“I was not only his partner, we were friends. We became very close, working together hand-in-hand for 11 years,” Mr. Abdo told The Commercial Observer in an interview earlier this month. “We had a lot of great plans that we were instituting—ways to grow the company, to become more efficient. All of that is instantly changed, in the matter of a microsecond. Once you get over the shock and you start to accept the reality, you do what you have to do to keep things together.”

A spokesperson declined to comment further on the transaction. Calls to Winoker Realty were not immediately returned. Calls to the buyers were not returned by press time.