Retro Fitness’ New Brooklyn Gym


ground floor Retro Fitness New Brooklyn Gym
1623 Flatbush Avenue.

Since 2010, when Retro Fitness opened its first New York area location in Staten Island, the low-cost fitness center has been making major inroads on the East Coast.

Now boasting six locations within the five boroughs, Retro’s low $19.99-a-month fee has been giving its closest competitor, Planet Fitness, a run for its money.

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With a new lease on Avenue Y in Brooklyn signed earlier this month, and a projected 30 locations throughout the five boroughs in the next three years, Jack Terzi, a tenant rep for Retro Fitness and president of the brokerage firm JTRE, reviewed the floor plans of its soon-to-open gym at 1623 Flatbush Avenue with The Commercial Observer and explained why the rapidly expanding company chose to open in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn.

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