Check Out Pizzeria L’asso EV’s Furniture Plan on First Avenue


floorplan Check Out Pizzeria Lasso EVs Furniture Plan on First AvenueWhen Robert Benevenga, co-owner of popular Nolita pizzeria L’asso, sought to replicate his Associazone Vera Pizza Napoletana-approved pies at a second location earlier this year, he briefly considered a Los Angeles branch, on the theory that rent was less expensive on the West Coast. But when nothing panned out in his two neighborhoods of choice, Silver Lake and Echo Park, Mr. Benevenga latched on to Bonjoo, a former Korean barbecue joint at 107 First Avenue in the East Village. After removing rows of gaslit barbecue stations and what he described as oversized Buddha-head decorations, the restaurateur and his partner moved forward on installing a pair of massive domed wood-burning ovens, which were created by Brian Klipfel of the Fire Works Masonry in New Jersey. Last week, Mr.

After the jump, Benevenga, an engineer by day and part-time lighting expert, reviews the furniture plans with The Commercial Observer and explains why he chose to ink a deal at 107 First Avenue for the East Village location of L’asso, otherwise known as L’asso EV.

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