Chinese Courted; Broadband Boosted; Credit Ratings Cut


Developer to Revive Brooklyn Project – [The New York Times]

NYPL Office Condo Sold – [New York Post] Garden City Hotel to be Sold – [New York Post]
Is it Time to Start Building Office Yet
– []

NYC Boosts Up its Broadband Capacity – []

Moody’s Cuts Credit Ratings of 15 Big Banks – [The New York Times]

Bank Investors Dismiss Moody’s Cuts as Years too Late – [Bloomberg]

Courting the Chinese Buyer – [Wall Street Journal]

Robert Sammons is vice president of research services at Cassidy Turley, a full-service commercial real estate services provider offering tenant representation, project leasing, capital markets and research and consulting, among other platforms. Mr. Sammons can be reached at To subscribe to Cassidy Turley’s daily news roundup email

SEE ALSO: The Chrysler Building: What Happens Next?