Downtown Takes Off with Delta


downtown Downtown Takes Off with Delta
It's the place to be. (Photo:

Ladies and gentlemen, Lower Manhattan has arrived. At least according to this new five-minute tourist ad, anyway.

Delta Airlines is now showing the video on its incoming New York City flights, according to DNAinfo. The ad features a montage of downtown attractions and an introduction from Mayor Bloomberg himself.

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We’ve long been hearing about the return of downtown Manhattan and with the addition of the 9/11 memorial and museum (both of which are mentioned in the video, of course), it’s only a matter of time before tourists wake up and smell the coffee. After all, “Lower Manhattan has more to see, more to do and more New York to experience than any other single square mile in America,” according to the woman in the video. We wonder what exactly she’s basing such a definitive statement on.

As Mayor Bloomberg says: “This is where the nation began.”