Poll: New Yorkers Want a Wal-Mart, Not an Ed Koch Bridge; Partisan Divide on Bike Lanes


Quinnipiac is out with a hodgepodge of numbers on NYC issues:


57-36 percent say electeds should allow a Wal-Mart to open here.

68-29 percent say they’d shop there once open.

Last In, First Out

78-16 percent say teacher layoffs should be NOT done based on seniority [corrected].

63-32 percent of union households agree.

Bike Lanes

59-35 percent of GOP say bike lanes are bad.

59-35 percent of Dems say bike lanes are bad good. [fixed].

56-39 percent of Indys say bike lanes are good.

Koch Bridge

64-24 percent oppose renaming Queensboro bridge after Ed Koch.