Evening Links: Moynihan Station Inches Along; Stephen Ross for Romney


The incremental inching begins toward a Moynihan Station. (NY1)

Stephen Ross is giving money to Mitt Romney, again. (Politico)

SEE ALSO: New York’s Housing Crisis Isn’t Keeping Albany Up at Night This Year

A twig sculpture rises in Prospect Park. (Brownstoner)

It’s new 20 m.p.h. speed limits for some streets. (Streetsblog)

A mystery on the Bowery (#150). (Curbed)

A lot of construction workers lighting up illegally. (NY Post)

Extell talking with banks to get construction loan for its giant Carnegie 57. (The National)

And congrats to The Real Deal‘s Stuart Elliott on his new baby daughter! Thankfully, there’s a Duane Reade nearby. (TRD)