If we worked in Lower Manhattan, rather than Times Square, this is how we’d be spending our lunch breaks.
A Canadian dancer named Paul-Andre Fortier is performing a dance called 30×30 every day at noon in front of Brookfield Properties’ One New York Plaza.
The Times’s dance critic describes the dance thusly:
He faces, by turns, up past the surrounding buildings to the sky, across to New York Harbor on the horizon, down to the ground, and out to the more immediate vicinity, which now and then includes members of the audience, with whom he makes brief eye contact.
…The performance is free; people can come or go (most of us sat on the ground, and one passer-by, unsure of what was going on, walked across a corner of Mr. Fortier’s square while talking away on his cellphone); and the only accompaniment is the midday noise of downtown New York traffic.
More fun than staring at your computer screen, we imagine.