10 Leases for 1st Quarter at 370 Lex


370 lexington 0 10 Leases for 1st Quarter at 370 Lex370 Lexington Avenue

Ten leases were signed in the first quarter at 370 Lexington Avenue, a 26-story office tower at 41st Street. The deals included seven new leases, from Adler & Co., Boyd Law Group, City Light Capital, HealthAce, Johnson Capital, retail store Nooi and Springtree Global Investors. Renewals included Hill Goodridge, Seeds of Peace and Sirius Solutions.

“Activity has been very strong at the building—so strong, in fact, that we actually just negotiated an early termination with a full-floor tenant that was due to expire in 2011 so we could have more space to offer,” says Adam Weissleder, one of landlord Sherwood Equities’s two leasing agents, along with Jill Burrowes.