For the Infant Who Has Everything! Giggle’s Upper West Side Spot


giggle onesie For the Infant Who Has Everything! Giggles Upper West Side Spot350 Amsterdam Avenue
These days even babies are brand conscious. As parents extend their hyper-conscientious shopping and lifestyles to their children, baby product stores have materialized to fill the demand for organic cotton onesies, $1,000 Bugaboo strollers, and an assorted wealth of baby “gear.”

With recent newcomers to 350 Amsterdam Avenue including Pure Yoga and Crumbs Bakery, Giggle is completing the building’s trifecta of Upper West Side family life: yoga, cupcakes, and child worship. The baby retailer signed a 10-year lease for 3,000 square feet, marking its third Manhattan location.

Lisa Rosenthal
of Lansco and John Auber of the The Auber Group represented Giggle in this transaction. Robert K. Futterman brokers Robert Futterman and Peter Whitenack repped landlord Related Companies.