Larry Silverstein: World Trade Center Will Be 'Impregnable'


world trade center construction Larry Silverstein: World Trade Center Will Be 'Impregnable'
Unshakeable. (WTC Progress)

By all indications, the earthquake on Tuesday did no significant damage to any buildings in New York. That still did not keep the question from coming up at a tour of the soon-to-be-open World Trade Center site yesterday. Larry Silverstein quickly worked to put any concerns to rest.

“I expect these buildings to be impregnable,” he told the Daily News when asked if an earthquake or other disaster could damage the World Trade Center. He also mentioned that “today, for the first time since 9/11, every part of the new World Trade Center is under construction.”

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Meanwhile, one of the victim’s wives, Monica Iken Murphy, said that her husband Michael “is home finally.” In addition to weighing in on the memorial design, she has been campaigning on behalf of families who still have not received remains for their loved ones. “This is his final resting place,” Ms. Iken Murphy said. “When I come here, I feel him.”

mchaban [at] | @MC_NYC