Doug Steiner

Doug Steiner.

Doug Steiner

Chairman at Steiner NYC

Doug Steiner
By November 15, 2021 10:00 AM

How much longer can this go on?

I’m guessing three months to two years, hopefully on the shorter end; but it really depends on getting more people vaccinated and how the virus continues to adapt. It’s anybody’s guess.

What does normal look like?

I’m hoping it’s a Roaring ‘20s response — living it up because you never know what tomorrow might bring.

If you could go back in time to March of 2020, what’s the first thing you would do?

Short retailers, airlines and hotels.

What do you do now that you never did before 2020?

Nothing really comes to mind.

What’s the biggest threat to the return to normal?

Retailers and restaurants finding enough workers.

Is now the time to buy or sell?

I’m not so macro-driven. I rarely sell, and, on the buy side, I’m standing pat until I see a deal I like.

Suddenly, there’s a big change to the New York state constitution and you’re now named the 58th governor of the Empire State — what do you do about the eviction moratorium?

I haven’t really been following it. I think it’s well-intentioned, but fundamentally unfair to landlords.

Lightning round

Eric Adams or Curtis Sliwa?

Adams all the way.

Last time you got on an airplane, what was your destination?

I can’t even remember.

What vax did you get?


Your go-to takeout?

Atithi-Indian food [in Williamsburg, Brooklyn].

Where does your patience wear thinnest — evictions or anti-vaxxers?


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