Top Commercial Mortgage Brokers Under 35


The November issue of Mortgage Observer will feature the 20 most promising commercial mortgage brokers under 35 throughout the tristate area and the country. We’ve gotten a good crop so far but we still need your help determining the best and brightest.

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20ontherise Top Commercial Mortgage Brokers Under 35Whether it’s thanks to financing volume or the complexity of the assignments they’re given, we want to know who’s racking up accolades in the mortgage industry, and we want your nominees for the next generation of mortgage brokers. Last year’s list included young go-getters from Massey Knakal Realty Services, CBRE (CBRE), Meridian Capital Group, Ackman-Ziff and others.

The due date for nominations is October 11—right around the corner. Those selected will be featured in our November issue. Include titles, company names, ages, a high res headshot if available and a little bit about why you think they deserve to be featured. Nominate yourself, a colleague, a friend or your son and daughter. Doesn’t matter to us, just send your submissions today.

Send nominations to All emails will be kept strictly confidential.