Walmart on Wheels: Big Box Bogeyman Sneaks Into New York in a Proctor & Gamble Food Truck
By Jhanasobserver June 10, 2012 12:00 pm
reprints‘Tis the season for food trucks, with the warm weather meaning comfortable lines and more customers. For Walmart, this is more the season of discontent, with opposition to the store in New York growing on the heels of the big box retailer’s Mexican corruption scandal. Even long-time allies like the Related Companies have apparently given up on the southern-fried discounters.
But Walmart has hit upon a novel way to work its way into the city, on board a modified food truck run by partner company Proctor & Gamble.
For the next month, @PGmobile will, in the tradition of the great food trucks to come before it, set up shops on street corners across the five boroughs, tweeting out its location and asking for suggestions on where to go next. Eight different products will be on offer—at Walmart’s everyday low prices, of course—from Iams dog food to Gillette razers and Pampers diapers.
The Walmart name appears but once, tucked away on the bottom of the truck, and it is nowhere to be found on the associated Twitter feed.
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