NYC Most Competitive City in the World and Trinity Church Rev. Accused of Excessive Spending on Buildings
By Jotham Sederstrom March 12, 2012 7:55 am
reprints- New York State’s property tax cap isn’t a “cap” at all, but the first half of one rung of an eight-rung ladder. Confused? Click to find out why many taxpayers will be strapped with increases far exceeding two percent. (Times Union)
- Rising pension and healthcare costs to blame for New York counties suffering under the weight of budget deficits. (NYT)
- The Rev. James Cooper, rector of Trinity Church, accused by church board members of excessive spending across portfolio of properties, including 68-74 Trinity Place. (DNA Info)
- Improved balance sheets expected at banks across the nation as Federal Reserve nears release of latest stress test. (NYT)
- Billionaire investor George Soros to bail out ailing American Apparel by backing a firm currently in talks to extend the clothier’s credit line. The deal could help prevent American Apparel and its 300 stores from shuttering. (NYP)
- Bangladeshi-born Bronx man goes from flipping burgers to real estate. Click here for Horatio Alger story. (NY Daily News)
- At a press conference today, Mayor Bloomberg expected to announce New York City’s No. 1 ranking as most competitive city in the world. (The Street)