The Closing: Brooklyn and Its Bikes; NYU's Mutating Expansion; The Door Loosens at The Gramercy Park Hotel


170 Broadway sale breaks nine figures. [Crain’s]

Chalk one up for Mayor Mike, smoking is down 14% across the five boroughs. [NY Times]

SEE ALSO: Sunday Summary: A New Day at WeWork?

DOT is going “open-source” with its bike share station placements plan. [StreetsBlog]

… and Brooklynites have just the spot. [Brooklyn Spoke]

NYU plans to green-up its much reviled Washington Village  Superblock. [Curbed]

… but it’s not being entirely unreasonable about over-spreading the “Purple Fog” of its 2013 expansion. [Crain’s]

One infamously decrepit Cobble Hill brownstone is getting a much-needed facelift. [Brownstoner]

The DOT is getting a rap on the knuckles from AAA over tunnel fare hikes. [The Journal]

Local pols are agreeing on one thing; Delancey Street is a death trap. [StreetsBlog]

Tonight’s unveiling of his wife’s carousel is just a little tease of David Walenta’s plan for the Brooklyn Waterfront. [Brooklyn Eagle]

The Gramercy Park Hotel releases plan to ease access for the disabled (no word yet on its plans for admitting the poor, uncool or ugly). [NY Times]