The Closing: Spinola on Rent Regs; Farkas on the Move


Lower Manhattan office building could be converted into condos. [Crain’s]

The Real Estate Board of New York is content with the tentative rent-regulation plan, Spinola says they “got a number of things [they] wanted.” [GlobeSt]

SEE ALSO: Sunday Summary: A New Day at WeWork?

If Craigslist is too frustrating, try MapThatPad. [The Real Deal]

Protests won’t stop if Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed budget cuts go through. [NY Times]

Fannie Mae names new C.F.O. [Journal]

Andrew Farkas is looking to purchase commercial services firm NAI Global. [The Real Deal]

Small businesses owned by immigrants are booming in Brooklyn. [Crain’s]

The high-end commercial market in the Plaza District is surviving the recession nicely. [The Real Deal]

… Which might have something to do with investors’ renewed confidence in the Manhattan office market. [Crain’s]