On the Market: Strauss Kahn’s Crash Pad; Foreclosure Looms for RFR Hotel Site; New Condos for Chelsea Seminary
By Matt Chaban May 20, 2011 12:51 pm
reprintsDurst makes money on both ends of Conde deal, and Nasties already hate new offices [Journal, Post]
Meanwhile, city posts schematics for 1 WTC online–are they terrorist tools? [Post]
And downtown retails rents are soaring [Crain’s]
Dominic Strauss Kahn said to be staying with his daughter Dominic once bailed [Curbed]
Section 8 scofflaws steal $200,000, vacation in Florida [DNAinfo]
Could the 9/11 memorial get commercialized? [Journal]
Flipping the city’s skinniest house from $2.1 million to $4.3 million in a year and one reno [Curbed]
Bed-Stuy institution Bread Stuy shutters unexpectedly after city smackdown [Patch]
Aby Rosen loses another case to keep hotel project out of foreclosure [Crain’s]
Glitzy new condo plans for the Chelsea seminary draw mild community concern [DNAinfo]
Mars Bar demolition permits approved [Curbed]
Staten Island apartment building exploded because of dudes stealing pipes [Post]
Midtown hotel silences bellmen’s whistles after neighbors complain [Times]
As Hamptons market recovers, competition heats up [Crain’s]
Next Top Model maven finds home where he grew up [Brick Underground]
Realtors mourne at national conference [CNN Money]