Evening Links: Canadian Money, Hudson River Park and the Bermuda Triangle


Canada Pension CEO plans to buy more money New York skyscrapers. (Bloomberg)

Pier 25, in Hudson River Park, to reopen in October, complete with skate park and miniature golf course. (Curbed)

SEE ALSO: 5 Questions With Craig Collin of Tavistock Development

Bloomberg poo-poos Governor Paterson’s offer to help relocate Park51 (the mosque “near” Ground Zero). (City Room)

Senate Minority Leader Skelos robo-calls constituents on Park51. (The Daily Politics)

Anti-Atlantic Yards blogger Norman Oder on the downsides of Hong Kong-style development. (Urban Omnibus)

On the last days of Cedar Grove Beach Club. (City Room)

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle—creepiest real estate ever—solved? (Salem News)

Michael Stipe sells apartment to Rachel Maddow. Entire Village applauds. (Curbed)