Kazakhstan Takes 19th Floor at Moinian’s 535 Fifth
By Tom Acitelli February 1, 2010 9:40 pm
reprints535 Fifth Avenue
The sparsely populated Kazakhstan, a country roughly the size of Western Europe, may be better known to Americans for its fake citizens (pictured) than for its real ones, but on Fifth Avenue, the country is not such a distant, steppe-ridden land after all. The government of Kazakhstan recently completed negotiations to lease the entire 19th floor at 535 Fifth Avenue, a space of about 4,700 square feet. The building is owned by the Moinian Group.
The government of Kazakhstan was represented by the P.G. Williamson Group Inc.; the Moinian Group was represented in-house by Kimia Shadrokh.
GlobeSt.com had news of the deal on Jan. 25.