Ivan Drago Would Be Jealous: Fancy Gym in Kaufman Building
By Emily Geminder February 22, 2010 9:43 pm
reprints22 West 19th Street
Founded by former Russian soldier Alex Reznik, Complete Body Gym is at once spa, gym, and juice bar, the kind of place where, for $3,999, you can be privy to an eight-week course called the Lifeline Package. Mr. Reznik, whose Russian billionaire clients keep him jetting between continents, is now branching out into Chelsea. The 14,000-square-foot gym on West 19th Street will incorporate a mix of physical therapy, personal training, nutrition classes, and techniques derived from “Eastern and Western practices.” Oh, yes, and a café.
“We saw tremendous interest in this space since it has the ideal layout for a fitness center and spa,” said Steven Kaufman of the Kaufman Organization, which owns the building. Daniel Kahn, also of the Kaufman Organization, represented the tenant directly, while Mr. Kaufman, along with colleague Barbara Raskob, represented the landlord.
The asking rent was $50 a square foot, plus a basement at $15 a square foot.